About Egyptian Magic
Egyptian Magic All-Purpose Skin Cream “The People’s Choice” is a phenomenal healing balm with legendary powers due to its unique mixture of all natural ingredients derived only from living plants and organisms. Egyptian Magic All-Purpose Skin Cream has been on the market since August 1991 with a solid track record, a loyal word of mouth following, and twice the healing power for half the price of conventional skin creams.
Our Mission is to continually provide a Professional skin care product, with multiple purposes, to treat and nurture skin with natures most effective healing ingredients, so our clients can feel and look beautiful using a 100% Natural Product.
With its unique formula, Egyptian Magic Skin Cream contains no additives, added preservatives, parabens or GMO ingredients, instead we utilize the natural preservatives found in our ingredients and are able to provide an effective “healing” balm.

Egyptian Magic All-Purpose Skin Cream “The People’s Choice” is made with the blessings and guidance of our ancestors and with the following pure ingredients: Olive Oil, Bees Wax, Honey, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Bee Propolis & Divine Love.
No additives, preservatives, fragrances, chemicals nor parabens, not tested on animals.
Egyptian Magic is sold through upscale health food stores, perfumeries, homeopathic pharmacies, and estheticians’ all across the globe. In addition gynecologists, plastic surgeons, homeopathic physicians, chiropractors from all over the world sell Egyptian Magic All-Purpose Skin Cream at their practices.

Behind a Mysterious Balm, a Self-Made Pharaoh
The Story of Egyptian Magic begins in 1986 at a Chicago Diner when an elderly man approached Westley Howard (The name Mr. ImHotepAmonRa was then known as), who was passing through as a water filter salesman at that time. The elderly man said to Westley, “Brother, the Spirit has moved me to reveal something to you.”. In that moment, Mr.ImHotepAmonRa said, ” It didn’t seem too weird to me. I’m a Spiritual person, so these things happen to me all the time.”
The stranger´s name was Dr. Imas. He never revealed his last name or made it clear what kind of doctor he was. Over the next two years, Dr. Imas periodically visited Mr. Howard in Washington and showed him how to make a skin cream from olive oil, beeswax, bee pollen, royal jelly and bee propolis (a substance that seals hives).
Dr. Imas claimed it was the exact formula for a cream found in ancient Egyptian tombs.